Thursday 27 August 2015

System Testing

After completion of integration testing developers deliver application to the testers, This application is called as Application under test (AUT) or System under test (SUT). Then testers conduct testing on that particular AUT or SUT which is called System Testing. They conduct System testing in the following ways .
  • Usability 
  • Functionality
  • Non Functionality
Usability :
Generally the system testing starts with usability testing only. It checks whether the system is user friendly or not . The user should easily able to use it . The testers mainly concentrate the ease of the system. it is a black box testing technique. It reveals whether user feels comfortable in using the application or not. Usabilty testing includes the following five components like learnabilty , efficiency, memorability, errors, satisfaction. it starts with user interface testing to check each and every interface of the application like (GUI). User Interface testing is done by following approaches like ease of use ,look at feel, short navigation, speed in interface .It is cosmetic testing 
In this usabilty testing testers also check the manuals of the application which are provided by the developers at the time of  software delivery. During this , testers check the user manual for completeness and correctness  Manual support test document is done on help documents  iman like proof readings, views and demo videos , whether they are any demo videos for better understanding of the system or not . Navigation interface is available or not. the usabilty testing is very economical if planned properly and it is also highly effective and very beneficial testing.It is helpful in identifying the potential bugs and patholes in the system.
Functionality :
After complteion of usabilty testing on every screen of our application , testers concentrate on the requirement completeness and correctness using the black box testing techniques .Genarally during this functional testing , testers are checking the functionality of the application it is checked in the following ways 
  • GUI coverage 
  • error handling
  • Input domain coverage
  • Manipulation Coverage 
  • Back end Coverage 
GUI coverage :
During this coverage testing, testers check the buttons, edit boxes, radio buttons, list boxes , properties change according to customer expected or not . 
Error Handling Coverage :
If users has performed any wrong operation  , then the application has to display an appropriate error message . this is known as error handling, during this , tersters are checking wrong operations or tasks are handled by the system and a meaningful error message is given or not .
Input domain coverage : 
Tester generally check that how much range of input can be given to a system or an application with respect to the specification.Here the testers check the valid or invalid input and they even check the range whether it is below or above the boundaries.
Manipulation coverage :
It is nothing but a output coverage . testers check whether the output displayed is correct or not and they mainly compare the correctness of existing output with expected output.
Back end/Data base Coverage :
In this testers check the impact of the front end operations on the back end table are constant or not.database coverage is done to check the database connections to check the data source name, and acess controls for the databases, to check the insert , delete and update options.
Non Functionality Testing :
After completion of the functional testing, testers mainly concentrate on extra features of a system or an application.Testers concentrate mainly on the reliability testing , compatibility testing ,portability testing, system integration testing, performance testing, security testing, localisation / internationalization ,  installation/ uninstall etc.,In a non functionality testing the quality factor is mainly concentrated 
it deals with the aspects that are not related to the functionality such as scalability or security etc.,

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