Monday 5 October 2015

Automation Testing

Automation testing is a testing i which testers are using automation tools to test the application. It improves the accuracy of finding defects, saves times and comparison to manual testing. An automation tool is a man made software which is especially designed to test particular application or software developed. There are few reasons why automation testing is used now a days in all the software MNCs. These reasons are nothing but drawbacks of manual testing.

Manual testing Drawbacks:

  • The  manual testing takes lot of time in testing and application and writing a defect report when compared to automation testing.
  • It is less reliable 
  • Manual testing may not be completely accurate.
  • Inconsistency is an other factor.
  • Manual Testing Test cases are not reusable.
Why we Choose Automation tools to test:

  • Reliable:Tests perform precisely the same operations each time when they are run, by eliminating the human errors. 
  • Repeatable: We can repeat the test number of times 
  • Programmable: Every thing can be programmed before the test begins 
  • Reusable: We can use the test cases, test documents and reports in the later stages also.
  • Time saving: It consumes very less  time in order to test an application 
  • Accuracy: Obviously machines give accurate results when compared to human
  • Fast: Testing can be done within fraction of seconds
  • Cost reduction
When to Automate:

  • If the project is large and critical then we use automation tools for testing 
  • Project that required to test the same area frequently and repeatedly
  • When we have a need to access the application for load and performance with many virtual users we use automation testing
  • Stable software with respect to manual testing
  • No availability of time

How we do automation testing :
Firstly we identify the areas within a software for automation testing, that means some areas of software are critical and hard to test using manual testing . So we identify those areas for automation. Next we select an appropriate tool for testing that area of the application. Then we writ the test scripts using the scripting language used by a particular software. Then we develop the test suits. test suits are nothing but batch or group of test cases.Next we execute those test scripts using the appropriate tool. Then we create the result reports.If we identify any potential bug or performance issue.we report even that to the developer.

Disadvantages of Automation Testing :

  • Even though it is most advanced type of testing. It has its's own disadvantages too.
  • Proficiency or skills are required to use this automation tools. A fool with a tool is too dangerous . So we require a trained person to use this automation tool
  • Only few testers will be having the access to this tool . i mean the we have limited access to use the tool.
  • Tools are completely dependent on human. Until and unless over instructions are accordingly correct we can't get accurate results using this tools, 
  • These tools are highly costly.
  • Maintenance of Test data files are quite difficult.
  • Debugging is very difficult using this Automation tools.

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