Monday 19 October 2015

Test Analysis and Design

Test analysis and design is the activity where general  testing  objectives are transformed into tangible test conditions and test designs. In this phase, generally the normal and general test objectives are identified during the planning and build test designs and test procedures which are also known as scripts. Test analysis and design follows few steps which helps in designing the test procedures.
  • Step 1: Reviewing the test basis
  • Step 2: Evaluating theTestability
  • Step 3: Identifying the test conditions
  • Step 4: Designing the test cases
  • Step 5: Set up Test data
  • Step 6: Set up Test environment
  • Step 7: Create traceability matrix

Step 1- Reviewing the Test basis: 
It is a criteria for verification of requirements. They conduct review meeting to decide the following factors
  • Traceability
  • Unambiguous
  • Consistency
  • Correctness
  • Completeness
  • Necessity
  • Testability
  • Feasibility
  • Prioritization

Step 2- Evaluating the testability: 
Testability is the degree to which a software artifact facilitates testing in a given test context. Ensure that “expected result “ can be derived from the requirement and can be programmatically or visually verified. If the testability of the software artifact is high, then finding faults in the system (if it has any) by means of testing is easier.

Step 3- Identifying the Test Conditions: 
Test condition is defined as an item or event that could be verified by one or more test cases. Generally these Test conditions are prepared in a template form called Test condition expected result template.
Test case Id
Test Condition description
Expected Result
Requirement 1
Successful login
It should redirect to flight reservation window

So in this way we create a Test condition template , but before that we derive test scenarios from Business requirement specifiactions and derive test conditions according to the scenarios and write multiple number of test cases for each and every test condition.
Requirement (B.R.S)
Test Scenario ( test specification)
Test condition ( TCER)
Test cases ( test case document)
Secured login
Login Functionality
Successful login with valid data   
Unsuccessful login with invalid data                  
Verify login with valid user id and valid password
Verify login with invalid user id and valid password
Verify the login with valid user id and invalid password
Verify the login without user id and only valid password
Verify the login with valid user id and no password
Verify the login with no user id and no password
Verify the login with invalid user id and in valid password

Test Scenario: It summarizes the functionality of the application without providing steps to follow the action . It is a high level documentation which describes what to do.

Step 4- Design Test cases: 
Test case design is a deep thinking process or activity and in order to think well , we need to design a “ Test Design Technique “.
Technique: it is a way of deriving good test cases . It is a way of objectively measuring a test effort. Best practices. Successful at finding faults. Based on a structural or functional model fo the software . Time saving because different people have  a similar probability to find defaults. Effective testing which helps finding more faults. Efficient testing which find faults with the less effort.
Test cases : A test case is defined as set of test inputs , executions conditions and expected results developed for a particular objective such as to exercise  a particular path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement.
A test case is documentation specifying input predicted results and a set fo execution condition for a test “item”

Step 5- Set up Test data: 
Testers are preparing a test data with the help of test design techniques and that could be used when they are testing an application.

Step-6 Set up Test environment: 
Testers in this phase, set up a test environment which identifies any required infrastructure and tools.
Note: developers and testers environment should not be the same but testers environment corresponds the customer requirement.

Step 7- Creating a Traceability matrix:
Requirement tracing is the process of deriving the links between the user requirements for the system and the work product that has been developed to implement and verify those requirements

Requirement Traceability:

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