Tuesday 24 November 2015

Creating Cycles in QC ALM

A cycle is a set of development and quality assurance efforts performed to achieve a common goal based on the release time line. Each release is further divided into cycles and to create cycles in Quality Center we have to follow the navigation.
Steps to Create Cycles
Step 1: Select the Release under which you would like to create cycles and click on "New Cycles" button and the new cycles dialog box opens where the release timelines are prepopulated as this cycle is created under the selected release. User has to enter the following mandatory details in 'New Cycles' Window:
  • Name of the Cycle
  • Start Date of the Cycle
  • End Date of the Cycle.
  • Description (Optional)

Step 2: Once all the cycle is created, user can access the same under created Release as shown below.
Step 3:  Select a particular cycle to access details of that cycle.
Step 4: Now let us understand all the other important tabs present under "Cycles". User can attach any attachment under 'attachments' Tab. 'The Progress tab' gives the status of that cycle under the selected Release.
  • The Progress will be displayed as shown below when user created the cycle without any workitems(requirements/tests/defects) mapped against it.
  • The Progress will be displayed as shown below after user has mapped workitems(requirements/tests/defects) to the cycle.

Step 5: The Quality Tab provides the information such as defect opening rate and number of outstanding defects which is the preliminary information about the quality of the current cycle.
  • When the user has created the Cycle the 'Quality' Tab will be displayed as shown below as there are no workitems are mapped against it.
  • The 'Quality' Tab will be displayed as shown below once the user has mapped work items against that release.

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