Monday 23 November 2015

Releases and Cycles

Release and Cycle:

Release is nothing but a significant change or changes that are going live at a given time.
Cycles are the different sets of testing efforts that are performed to facilitate the release.
Steps to create a new release/Cycles in ALM:
Step 1: Login to ALM with your user name and password, into the domain and select project you required.
Step 2: Go to the options called “Management ->Releases”.
Step 3: Create Release folder: You can create a new release folder or directly create a release here. To create a new folder, select the “New Release Folder” from the menu or right click on the “Releases” folder and choose “New Release Folder”.  Enter the name and Click OK. The folder gets added to the hierarchical structure under Releases.
Enter the folder name:

Step 4: Create Release: Under the newly created folder, I am going to add a ‘New Release”. You can choose the “New Release” from the menu or right click on the root folder and choose “New Release” or choose Ctrl+R. Enter the Name.  As you can see, a start date and end date are the required fields. There is a description box where you can enter any text and then you can upload any supporting documents under attachments. Enter the information as required and click OK.

Enter release details

Step 5: The release gets added.

 Step 6: Adding cycles: The next step is to add cycles. Under the newly added release, the options to add a new release folder or release are disabled. You have options in the menu to add new cycle activated or the right click menu has the option or Ctrl+Y keys can be used. Use one of these and choose to add a new cycle. Again name, start date and end date are mandatory items. Enter the same and click OK.
Enter cycle details:
Step 7: The cycle will now get added under the cycle. This is how the May and June release information from our table is going to look once it is all added to ALM.

Step 8: There are some validations for entering the cycle dates. They have to fall within the range of the release dates under which the cycle is created. If not, a validation message gets displayed.

Step 9: Once it is created. Choose the “May release” and observe its data.
The master plan tab will display the time line for the release with its cycle information:
Step 10: The Status attachment displays the progress of the release:

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