Saturday 7 November 2015

Sanskrit VS English

India is known as land of Gods and goddesses. It is considered to be the land of customs and traditions. Even it possess a traditional Language. Sanskrit is a sacred language in Hinduism , Jainism, Buddhism. It is the oldest language in India.  The word Sanskrit is derived from a word Sanskrita which means "refined" or "purified.” It is an antonym of prakrita, meaning "natural," or "vulgar”. Sanskrit was considered as "Dev Bhasha", "Devavani" or the language of the Gods by ancient Indians.

There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine meanings known as  shiva and shakti.  Shiva consists of 54 masculine alphabets and Sakthi consists of 54 feminine alphabets, So 54 times 2 is 108 alphabets. It is made up of the primordial sounds, and is developed systematically to include the natural progressions of sounds as created in the human mouth.
Panini  gave formal production rules and definitions  to Sanskrit in Vedic form. The present form of Vedic Sanskrit can be traced back to as early as the second millennium BCE (for Rig-vedic). Scholars often distinguish Vedic Sanskrit and Classical or "Pāṇinian" Sanskrit as separate sects. Though they are quite similar in many aspects, they differ in a number of essential points of phonology, vocabulary, grammar and syntax. Vedic Sanskrit is the language of the Vedas, a large collection of hymns, Samhitas and they are mostly religious and philosophical discussions in the Brahmanas and Upanishads.
Modern linguists consider that the metrical hymns nothing but mantras of the Rigveda Samhita to be the earliest of all the hymns, composed by many authors over several centuries of oral tradition. They say that the Vedic period is marked by the composition of the Upanishads, which form the concluding part of the traditional Vedic corpus; however, the early Sutras are Vedic, too, both in language and content.
The Sanskrit language has helped shaping many European languages including French, German, Russian, and English. It shows many ancient forms of words such as father, through, shampoo, trigonometry, and mouse, while guru, pundit,dharmabandh
, and yoga are among hundreds of Sanskrit words that can now be found in the Oxford dictionary. The word brother in English is came out of a Sanskrit word called Brathr, the word mother came from word Mathr. In such a way many words came out of the Sanskrit words itself. If you observe the pronunciation of Indians, They pronounce words very specifically and fluently when compared to other countries because they learn many Sanskrit words very easily which takes some days to learn.

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