Wednesday 25 November 2015

Requirement Management in QC ALM

Assign Requirements:
After defining the releases, tree, we define and review the requirements in the requirement module. We assign them to the releases and cycles. Requirements describe our application needs in detail. These requirements are the same requirements that are gathered during first phase of development life cycle.

Requirement Management:
In this phase, we analyze the application and determine the requirements. We maintain and manage the requirements in the application. Requirement management phase includes following approaches
  • Define Scope
  • Create Requirements
  • Detail Requirements
  • Assign to Release
  • Analyze the Requirements
  • Establish Baseline

Define scope: We begin the application life cycle management process by gathering all the available documentation on the application under development, such as marketing and business requirement documents, system requirement specification and design documents etc.

Create Requirements: We use the requirements scope to determine the overall requirements for the application under development. For example the Flight reservation application  basic requirements are secured login, booking management, Profile management, booking history, application performance, application security.
Select “ Requirements “ folder and go to “Requirement menu” à Click on “New Folder” àGive the name for the requirement as “mercury tours “ and click ok button à Select Requirement type check box, you will be given a list of types of requirements  à Select Requirement type as “Functional” à Write requirement name as “Secured Login” à Click on “submit” button
Repeat the same process to add number of requirements in to the requirement phase.

Detail Requirement:  Testers create a list of detailed requirement ( Test scenarios) for each requirement in the requirement tree. Example for detailed requirement  for flight reservation application are as follows
Secured Login à Successful  Login
Select “requirement” à Go to “Requirements Menu” à Click on “New Requirement” à Select requirement type as “Testing” à Enter the Detail requirement as “ Successful Login” à Click on “Ok “button
Repeat the same process to add number of detail requirement in the requirement phase.

Assign to Release: We can assign the requirements to release and cycles of the releases tree in the release module. These assigned requirements are then used as a basis for the test plan in the Test Plan module. The tests we create during the test plan phase are used to link to these requirements to create coverage.
Select “requirement” à Double click on each requirement  à Click on “target Cycle” list box à expand “Release 1” à Enable the Check box for “Cycle1- Comprehensive testing” à Click on OK button à select the “Direct Cover Status” as “Not covered “ and “priority as “ high/medium / Low” à Click on ok button .

Analyze Requirements: Review our requirements to ensure that they meet the scope defined earlier. After a requirement is approved , we change the requirement from a “ Not Reviewed” status to “ Reviewed Status “
Analyze Requirement àdouble click on each requirement à Change from “not reviewed” to “Reviewed” à Click on Ok button.

Establish Baseline:  After the requirements have been reviewed and approved, we can create a baseline for our requirements.

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